Archive for January, 2012

*Blog Update*

Posted: January 3, 2012 in General

I apologize for not posting any new content over the past two months. I admit that I took a break from blogging as school got busier and final exams approached. So much for thinking first semester of senior year would be easy. Quite the contrary.

I am proud to announce that I was recruited to be the Chief Blogger for, the #1 Job Board in the Sports Industry. I will continue to post new content related to breaking into the sports industry on their site. Given the similarity between my new blogging gig and “So, You Want to Break into Sports?,” I will be primarily contributing content to and linking it back this blog (see RSS FEED on the left sidebar). Below is the link to the blog:

You will notice that they took 10 of my past posts and put them up on their blog. Starting very soon, you will begin to see 4 new posts per month via the link above. That will be the best place to access my new content, but you will still be able to access it from the RSS feed on this blog.

I want to thank each and every one of my readers who have discovered my blog since its inception in May 2011. I appreciate all of your genuine feedback and comments. Please feel free to stay in touch, and look out for my content in 2012!